Adult Vaccinations

Apart from travel vaccines, there are also a number of other vaccines which are recommended for use in adults. Note that specific contraindications to vaccination may apply. Always check with your primary care physician before receiving the vaccines mentioned.

In general, these are the vaccines we would consider for adults in various circumstances:-

Younger adults ( if not previously vaccinated )

HPV vaccine ( against cervical cancer and genital warts )

Varicella ( chicken pox )

3 doses required ( at 0, 2 and 6 months )

2 doses required ( 2 months apart )

50 years old and above

Zoster ( shingles )

Pneumococcal 13-valent ( pneumonia )

Only 1 dose is required.

1 dose is required

65 years old and above

Zoster ( shingles ) – if not done earlier

Pneumococcal ( pneumonia )

Influenza ( flu )

Only 1 dose is required

1 dose of 13-valent, followed by 1 dose of 23-valent

1 dose every year

Mothers-to-be – before trying for a child

Varicella ( chicken pox )

MMR ( measles, mumps, rubella )

Hepatitis B

2 doses, 2 months apart

If not immune

If not immune ( 3 doses required )

Caretakers of newborns or infants

( helps to reduce risk of carrying and spreading the infection to newborns or infants )

Pertussis ( whooping cough or ‘hundred day cough’ )

Influenza ( flu )

1 dose required

1 dose every year

Persons with potentially compromised immune systems such as those with :

  • chronic heart, lung, liver or kidney disease
  • poorly controlled diabetes
  • patients receiving cancer treatments or long term steroid therapy
  • persons living with HIV
  • patients with no spleen

Pneumococcal ( pneumonia )

Influenza ( flu )

1 dose with 13-valent

1 dose annually

Dear friends and patients, 

Thank you for your love and support for the past 11 years. Prudence Family Clinic will be moving to a new address in July 2024.

Our last day of operations at the current address is 30th June 2024. 

We remain in Bishan! Our new address is:   Blk 116 Bishan Street 12 #02-30 ( 2nd level ) s570116

We hope to resume operations in August 2024. The exact date of re-opening will be updated on this website.

Thank you once again, for giving us the opportunity to participate in your health journey.