Child & Infant Health
Services provided include:
- Child vaccinations
From Birth
- Hepatitis B, usually taken at birth, 1 month and 5-6 months old. Infanrix hexa may be used instead.
- Infanrix IPV ( 5 in 1 ), usually taken at 3, 4 and 5 months old. Booster at 18 months old.
- Infanrix hexa ( 6 in 1 ) – combines Infanrix IPV ( 5 in 1 ) with hepatitis B.
- Rotavirus ( oral drops ) – 2 doses required, usually taken with the 1st and 2nd doses of Infanrix
- Pneumococcal disease – 2 doses taken at 3 and 5 months old, with booster after 1 year old.
After 1 year old
- MMR ( measles, mumps and rubella ) – mandatory under NCIS; 2 doses, usually taken at 12 months and 15-18 months
- Chicken pox – recommended; 2 doses 2 months apart – can be taken in a combined vaccine together with MMR.
- Influenza – 1 dose, taken annually
- Cervical cancer ( HPV – human papillomavirus ) – recommended for girls 9 years old onwards
We also work with child psychiatrists and counsellors for suspected developmental disorders and learning disabilities.