Men’s Health

We believe that Men’s health is an area which deserves more attention than it currently does. Our Men’s Health Services include:
Specific issues:
  • Loss of libido / sexual interest
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
  • ‘Andropause’ or Testosterone deficiency – various forms of testosterone replacement are available
  • Male vitality supplements ( plant-based ) are available

General men’s health:

  • Hair loss – alopecia androgenetica ( male pattern hair loss ) and other causes
  • Weight management
  • Acne and other skin concerns
  • Depression, anxiety and other psychological conditions
  • Adult vaccinations ( eg. Hepatitis A & B, HPV / genital warts, Pneumoccocal )

Screening services:

Please call 6251 5512 or SMS/WhatsApp 9662 5512.  All consultations are private and confidential.

Dear friends and patients, 

Thank you for your love and support for the past 11 years. Prudence Family Clinic will be moving to a new address in July 2024.

Our last day of operations at the current address is 30th June 2024. 

We remain in Bishan! Our new address is:   Blk 116 Bishan Street 12 #02-30 ( 2nd level ) s570116

We hope to resume operations in August 2024. The exact date of re-opening will be updated on this website.

Thank you once again, for giving us the opportunity to participate in your health journey.