Pre-marital & Prenatal Medicine

Are you getting married soon? Or perhaps you are already married and planning to start a family? Let Prudence Family Clinic start the journey with you!

Whether you are looking at a basic consultation to discuss any concerns you and your partner may have, or a comprehensive health screening to pick up conditions which may potentially affect pregnancy or fertility, or maybe a full STD / HIV screen to keep your partner safe and give him or her peace of mind – our friendly and experienced family doctor will be happy to offer his advice and expertise.

Health screening packages are available <here>.

STI / HIV screening packages are available <here>.

Many other tests are also available and can be tailored to your needs and budgets.

Our appointment line is 6251 5512 or SMS/WhatsApp 9662 5512.

Dear friends and patients, 

Thank you for your love and support for the past 11 years. Prudence Family Clinic will be moving to a new address in July 2024.

Our last day of operations at the current address is 30th June 2024. 

We remain in Bishan! Our new address is:   Blk 116 Bishan Street 12 #02-30 ( 2nd level ) s570116

We hope to resume operations in August 2024. The exact date of re-opening will be updated on this website.

Thank you once again, for giving us the opportunity to participate in your health journey.